
Jack the Cat has been euthanized due to his injuries

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

The story of Jack the Cat, who was found 12 days ago at JFK Airport after having been missing for two months, has come to an end. The cat was euthanized Sunday because of his deteriorated condition.

American Airlines offered its sympathy to owner Karen Pascoe and “the cat-loving community who have grown fond of Jack since he went missing.” The cat had been checked into the airline’s cargo area Aug. 25 for a flight from New York to California, but the airline later reported him missing during the run-up to Hurricane Irene.

A message to Friends of Jack on Facebook -- where the cat’s fan page has 23,849 “likes” -- says the cat had infections and wounds that wouldn’t heal because his skin had deteriorated from malnutrition. “The vet was very clear that she had conferred with every possible doctor regarding options for Jack, but none of them left him with a substantial chance of survival ...,” it said in part.


The cat earlier had been given a 50-50 chance of survival. His condition on Friday was said to be improving and upgraded from critical to serious but stable, BluePearl Veterinary Partners, which had been treating the cat, said on its Facebook page. Pascoe had been flown out over the weekend to be with Jack.
